Who We Are

“Our goals are to minimize trauma, promote healing, ensure child safety, strengthen families and hold perpetrators accountable.”
– Heather O'Malley, Chief Executive Officer

SafeSpot clients are child victims of sexual and severe physical abuse. These young and vulnerable individuals will find that their needs are placed above all others and that the SafeSpot approach is compassionate yet efficient. Throughout the intervention, investigation, prosecution, and treatment, Safespot provides no-cost services to children victims and their non-offending family members. All services are designed to reduce present trauma, better navigate the systems involved, and promote healing.

Our services include:

  • Specialized forensic interview
  • Family advocacy and support
  • Trauma-focused therapy
  • Case management
  • Multidisciplinary Team coordination

The key factor in the success of to this fully accredited, non-profit organization is its public-private partnership with Fairfax County Law Enforcement, Child Protective Services, the Commonwealth Attorney’s Office, and Inova Fairfax Hospital. This collaborative multidisciplinary team (MDT) significantly improves yesterday’s response to child abuse in the following ways:

  • children need only tell their story once to a specially trained Forensic interviewer thereby greatly reducing further trauma
  • the safety of the child is first and foremost
  • investigations are conducted by a united front and with added efficiency.
  • continual team assessments keep victims on close radar
  • perpetrators are more likely to be held accountable
  • strengthening the family unit is a priority
  • Non-offending family members also receive immediate support and guidance as needed.

Some key facts about SafeSpot are:

Safespot is the only center of its kind serving Fairfax County
All funds stay in Fairfax County to improve our community
Services aim to improve resilience so kids can be kids again
All services are provided at no cost to client
SafeSpot is fully accreditated by the National Children’s Alliance.


“The mission of SafeSpot Children’s Advocacy Center is to provide a safe environment and support services for child abuse victims and their families as they navigate the investigation and aftermath of abuse.“

Children Served at SafeSpot

The number of children served at SafeSpot has grown by 40% since 2018 and there is still a need for more staff and capacity to handle all the children that need SafeSpot’s services.